The Biggest Project of Dream League Soccer 2021 Reality & Create Player | New Updates We need in Dream League Soccer 2021

We Need Creat Player Option in Dream League Soccer 2021

The biggest project of Dream League Soccer 2021 is a reality and Create Our Own Player in Game will undoubtedly benefit all the players of is and the best thing is that everyone will be able to participate in. What do you think if you leave a good I like this project really deserves it from the DLS 21 must is the solution to the difficult way to see. 

     All the players of the DLS since there is no search for players but with this you will be able to see the cards of all the players of the DLS 21 which all the teams will be found in an orderly manner with the respective cards of each player is accompanied by good designs so that it is interesting for you to see each player but it is evident that it cannot incorporate all the cards of the players myself, therefore we are going to to do this is to say we are going to work as a team, you can send me thecards of players that they have or that they are finding and instead I will put their name in the design that I am going to make as a kind of recognition they can also help me to detect cards that are not the original ones that is.

If share an improved card you can notify me Stop it and put the letter of the original sock so that everyone is informed and maybe they are not guided with socks that are not the real ones or the original ones when buying a player between mix soccer 2021 how can I send you my silly cards it will only be By email because only by email, why does Facebook or Twitter lower the quality of the cards? from gmailYou will find the option to write, click there and your email address will appear where it says to add the following email which is contact in the subject I recommend you put the name of the player that you are going to share if there are several letters that you are going to send with only some name of the letters that you are going to send of course in mail add the name that you want to appear in the design that I am to create this for the letters you sent to send the images click here on the clip and click on attach file below it shows you all the videos and images but we only want the players' cards so click on any card and finally click on Who to send with that, your letters would already be sent and of course will be incorporating them to the DLS 21 page I hope this page is complete as quickly as possible and I know that it will be so, I am really excited as it will be very useful all dynamic soccer users2021 share with your friends share in facebook groups to speed up this on the DLS 21 page, what do you think, I'll be reading your comments thanking you for the time spent Reading this Post, you already know for those who don't, my name is up on the DLS4Ezy YouTube channel game in which you will find great content about soccer games for mobile trimix soccer, Dream League Soccer, Vive le football, FTS or First Touch Soccer, champions of the fied or some other game that is coming out for android and ios platforms, see you next timesoccer live le football, fts champions of the fiel or some other game that is coming out for android.

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